Start your POPIA compliance with Bizoneo POPIA Essentials
Bizoneo POPIA Essentials is designed specifically for small businesses that seek to reach POPIA Accountability. It is only available through Bizoneo Channel Partners.
The key components to help responsible parties starting their POPIA compliance
POPIA Essentials
Key features
Data mapping
Register of processing activities
Simplified asset register
Comprehensive reporting
Simplified management of operators, third parties and contracts
PAIA manuals
Data import from spreadsheets
Free privacy industry news
Free privacy related library
Free demo Sandbox with example
Monthly updates
Multi-factor authentication
Built-in internal messaging
Responsive (Access on mobile devices)
Control panel access through TLS 1.2 encryption
Daily encrypted backups
Guaranteed EU hosting (in Ireland)
€105.00** per month
No setup cost
Training through your Bizoneo Channel Partner
** plus VAT when applicable. Price billed in Euro.